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Have you ever wonder why Disney changed some of the Grimm’s fairy tales? Like “Cinderella” and “The Hare and the Hedgehog.” In “Cinderella” the step mother and step sisters all lose their eyes to pigeons unlike Disney where they made Cinderella, one of the step sisters whined up with a breads maker; how could she wines up with the bread maker if she was blind. Why did the Brothers Grimm have such dark stories?

The Grimm brother’s fairy tales was first published in 1812. They got some of their fairy tales from old manuscripts, folktales, and storytellers. They did this to save their culture, during the French war. After the war they dimed some of their stories so they could sell more books for more money. Families bought their books because it was “A Manual of Manners” or in other words these stories taught valuable lessons such as Cinderella moral “be careful what wish for.”

One of my favorite stories is “The Hare and The Hedgehog.” It is a story about a hare and a hedgehog who make a bet on a race to see who is the fastest and the clever hedgehog using his wife to help him win. He had her dress like how he looks and made her sound like him; and when the hedgehog got back to the hare they made a deal to tell the other that they got to the finish to say “I’m here.” So when they started the race the hedgehog heed under the tall brush then the other hedgehog his wife would stand up and say in his voice “I’m here.” To the hares belief he could not believe that the crooked leg hedgehog got to the finish before him and he wanted to race again “he” agreed and they kept on racing and the two hedgehogs kept doing the same routine until the Hare past out and died. But in Disney’s version the hare makes fun of the tortoise and they whines up racing each other but the Hare gets over confidant takes a nap under a tree and loses the race with the tortoise.

 I feel like the story The Hare and The Hedgehog fits me because some people misjudge me and think I can’t do something just because of disability then I do it and I get great satisfaction of doing it. As I can relate to the hedgehog, I also can relate to hare. One of the relations is that I am a little confidant when it comes to certain topics such as sports and games.

The Grimm’s brothers fairy tales was made to save their culture and they got so popular that they continued even through own time. Like The Hare and The Hedgehog, and Cinderella. Their stories will continue on through Disney even though Disney cleaned them up a bit they will still live on in everyone’s heart and memory’s.


Work citied

O'Neill, Thomas. "Guardians of the Fairy Tale: The Brothers Grimm”. 1st ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2014. 44-57. Print.


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